McCrometer, Inc., Hemet, CA 3/08-5/09
Design a new satellite based well monitoring system utilizing the MSP430 based flowmeter connected to a low earth orbit satellite system to a website for recording water usage.
Designed and built 21 units and successfully tested the units in the field. This is one of the 21 prototypes sites that connected to a central site that had the Orbcomm satellite modem. Each of the 21 sites communicated via 915 mhz links to the central controller which buffered the data and relayed to the satellite and then to the website database.
The system is called McCrometer CONNECT.
Please see: http://www.mccrometer.com/products/product_mccrometerconnect.asp
I redesigned the company’s TI’s MSP430 FLOWCOM electronic flow meter firmware and hardware for enhanced operation. I also designed two types of transient protection add-on PCBs for this existing product using Eagle PCB layout software.
Designed 4-20ma daughter board to interface to SCADA systems and harvest energy to power the new electronic flow meter using Eagle PCB software.