PSOS Porting Group Projects


PowerPc (mp821) Solve problems with pSOS toolchain source level debugger working with new video camera board with Ethernet via remote Ethernet control.

Sparclite – Designed new pSOS board support package for the mb86831 processor, serial device drivers for the mb86940, NIC device drivers for the mb86964).

Mips (Designed new pSOS board support package for new router using a large ASIC with an LSI 4010 core processor. ASIC included an OC-3 to quad ISDN interface, a 10/100 base-10 Ethernet interface and a 16550 uart core).

Mips (VR5000) Designed pSOS device drivers for modem control firmware for Digital Satellite Receiver set-top box using LSI 64005,64008 chipset.

PowerPc (mp860) Resolved source level debugger problems with embedded C++ pSOS board for Ethernet to E1 router board.

MC68332 Designed pSOS SPI device driver for the On-Screen Display for a cable television box.

Mips Designed pSOS compatible NTSC graphics driver using Cirrus 5425 for a digital satellite system (DSS) box (using LSI 64005, 64008 chipset) ported a Sun MicroSystems Internet Browser (started with PowerPc SDK and converted it to Mips) to the DSS box (using LSI 64005, 64008 chipset).